Dr Kate

Dr Kate

Kate and I originally got to know each other through a mutual love, her sister (and a dear friend of mine)! Personally I feel there would be less suffering and increased proactiveness through empowerment for the public, with more Doctors like Kate. I find her kind, passionate, understanding and see she takes a holistic approach to healthcare.

Tell us about the work that you do?

I am a doctor with an interest in pain medicine. 

What brought you to this work? 

Understanding the person experiencing pain requires a holistic and considered approach. It is about understanding the person, their environment, their emotional and physical self. This broader approach to medical practice brings me satisfaction in my work. 

What are your current self-care practices?

I strive for balance in a busy and chaotic world. Making time for exercise, Pilates, eating well, reading, and spending time with the people I love is extremely important to me and my overall wellbeing. 

How does massage therapy help you and or your clients?

Therapeutic touch, the opportunity to reduce muscle tension and to refocus the mind holds so much importance for people’s health. Massage therapy allows clients some respite from pain, to allow them to engage actively with the process of improving their function and quality of life. 

What’s one thing you’d like more people to know?

I think it would be very powerful for people to know just how multidimensional the pain experience is, and that a focus on holistic care leads to much better results. 

Is there a quote that inspires/grounds you?

“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” - Maya Angelou


Healing massage


Claire Baker