Claire Baker

Claire Baker

This delightful women’s coach has taught thousands across the globe to live in harmony with their menstrual cycle. I’ve followed her online for years and always been drawn to the way she lives and works in her purpose, speaking authentically, and has a good time! The ultimate right? While Claire’s been back in Albury we’ve had some good lols, food, walks and swims. And I’ve learned a lot through her passion, local workshops and book.

Tell us about the work that you do?

I’m interested in the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, sexual and creative dimensions that the female hormonal cycle holds. I help women and all folks with periods embrace their menstruality and better understand their menstrual cycle. The natural fluctuations of oestrogen and progesterone across a menstrual month can cause significant changes in how we feel — and this isn’t a bad thing. My work is to remind women that our full spectrum of expression is a gift. I do this by teaching cycle charting, educating on the different hormonal phases of the cycle and coaching women who want to learn how to flow with the natural rhythm of their body, rather than pushing against it.

What brought you to this work? 

I stopped taking the hormonal contraceptive pill in my mid-20’s and didn’t bleed for a year afterwards. After a diagnosis of PCOS and eventually experiencing intense period pain and pre-menstrual symptoms when my cycle did return, I realised I had a LOT to learn about my hormones. The more I learned about the menstrual cycle, the more I wanted to share it with others. For me, being off the pill was such a different experience to being on it; it was like going from black and white TV to technicolour! I couldn’t NOT share what I was learning about my body and how magical it is. I was working as a health coach at the time and naturally began to integrate my new understandings and experiences into my sessions and workshops with women.

What are your current self-care practices?

I take good care of myself. My self-care practice changes depending on what day of my cycle I’m on, but essentially I eat well; loads of veggies, fats and proteins and drink plenty of water. I exercise my body every day and sleep like a hibernating bear whenever I can. In my opinion those really are the basics of wellbeing. Then there’s journaling or therapy for reducing stress and prioritising my mental and emotional health. I dance, swim, laugh with people I love, try not to take myself too seriously (ha) and try to get my butt out in nature every day. I ritualise my monthly bleed and take that time off to potter around, chill and relax — as much as possible, anyway. 

How does massage therapy help you and or your clients?

Well… it’s Friday afternoon as I’m typing this and I’m thinking a massage would be heaven right now! For me, massage is all about nervous system self-care. It’s something I often recommend for clients who find their pre-menstrual week challenging. Having a regular, monthly appointment scheduled for that week when oftentimes you just want to quiet down the rest of the world, get some space, have someone touch you and pamper you… ahhh, so good!

What’s one thing you’d like more people to know?

That menstruating can be a blissful, relaxing time of recharging, releasing and loving on yourself.

Is there a quote that inspires/grounds you?

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ― John Lubbock

For more of Claire, here’s her website and Instagram


Dr Kate