Lymphatic Function and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory joint disorder that affects 0.5-1% of the population worldwide. It is now broadly accepted that environmental and epigenetic factors are critical in the development and pathogenesis of joint disease.
I’ve seen a number of clients over the years with Rheumatoid arthritis and they often seek out a combination of both Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Remedial Massage in each appointment.
Studies are now showing a strong link between this condition and our Lymphatic System
Research shows that lymphatic drainage improves at the onset of inflammatory-erosive arthritis. However, as inflammation shifts to a more chronic stage, lymphatic clearance decreases, and both structural and cellular alterations occur in the draining lymph node.
In particular, ongoing inflammation leads to chronic damage of the lymphatic vessels, causing a loss of vessel contraction, followed by lymph node collapse, reduced drainage, and eventually severe synovitis and joint erosion.
Structure and Function of the Lymph System
Overall, the peripheral lymphatic system serves two main functions: immune cell surveillance and maintaining interstitial fluid balance. It regulates fluid balance by transporting fluid from the tissues through vessels that connect to draining lymph nodes. These nodes then funnel the lymph into larger ducts, such as the right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct, where it is ultimately returned to the bloodstream via the subclavian veins.
Mounting evidence demonstrates that lymphatic dysfunction exacerbates arthritic flare and disease progression in Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Targeting lymphatics eg through Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage represents an innovative strategy for intervention for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
If you’re wanting to learn more about this condition, please see your GP or preferred health practitioner. You may also want to try Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage a way to help manage your inflammation and or pain.
Book Lymphatic Drainage Massage in Clifton Hill and Fitzroy.
Written by Tarren Hehir, Remedial Massage Therapist trained in Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage.
Targeting lymphatic function as a novel therapeutic intervention for rheumatoid arthritis