Lymphatic system health

When I travelled to France and the UK last year I noticed lymphatic massages everywhere and so I received them with much intrigue and pleasure. Upon returning, taking some courses in this area and understanding the many health benefits, I am now offering a 75min Manual Lymphatic Drainage treatment. 

We know that daily stress, fatigue, emotional shock, chemical overloading, infection, pollution, alcohol, food preservatives and many other things often referred to as toxins can greatly impair the functioning of the body’s healthy tissues. Not surprisingly they also impact our lymphatic system. 

Our lymphatic system is the body’s frontline system when fighting disease due to its ability to rid harmful toxins and produce key cells that fight infection. Our blood vessels leak fluid into our tissues and it’s the lymphatic system’s responsibility to return it to our blood, and filter out pathogens, bacteria and toxins within. The lymph system filters these toxins through the lymph pathways, lymph ducts and nodes back to the bloodstream, so the liver can filter again and process them for elimination before they are excreted from our body’s system via urine, stool or sweat. 

When our lymph system is not functioning properly it can show up as: 

  • Oedema or fluid retention eg. a puffy neck and face, swollen limbs or ankles 

  • Lowered immune function 

  • Brain fog 

  • Skin conditions eg. acne, rosea, psoriasis, eczema 

  • Increased cellulite as lymph can get stuck in fat cells

Our circulatory system has a pump (the heart) which keeps fluid moving, whilst our lymphatic system doesn’t. Therefore transportation of lymph depends upon pressure exerted on its vessel walls via muscle contraction and relaxation, and diaphragm movement through changes in the air pressure in the thoracic cavity (our upper body). This is why naturopaths, lymphatic specialists and practitioners alike often recommend the following to increase lymph flow: 

  • Movement

  • Stretching

  • Dry body brushing

  • Cupping therapy 

  • Diaphragm breathing 

  • Massage 

  • Sauna 

  • Hot and cold showers 

Book a lymphatic drainage massage here or get in touch if you’d like to know more.

Written by Tarren Hehir, Remedial Massage Therapist.
Based in Fitzroy, Melbourne


Barefoot Living


Moving through pain and injury