How to reduce muscle adhesions

How to reduce muscle adhesions (knots, trigger points and aches)
for better movement, comfort and ease in your body

Listed are a bunch of ways to do so. Don’t worry, you don’t have to implement all to ensure a health body. But if you frequently have knots or aches and pains, have a scan through the list and a think about what your body needs more of. 

1. Hydration: 
Stay adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration supports optimal muscle function and helps prevent dehydration-related muscle tightness and discomfort.

2. A Balanced Diet:
Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to support overall muscle health and recovery. Ensure you're consuming enough protein to aid in muscle repair and maintenance.

3. Massage Therapy:
Consider incorporating regular massage therapy sessions into your routine. Remedial massage targets specific areas of tension and helps alleviate muscle and fascia adhesions through tissue manipulation. Most people seek out monthly massages for maintenance.

4. Stretching and Flexibility:
Regular stretching helps to maintain muscle length and prevent adhesions from forming. It’s been said that dynamic stretches before exercise can be great way to warm up your muscles and static stretches afterward can help improve flexibility and reduce tightness. 

5. Foam Rolling and Myofascial Release:
Foam rollers and lacrosse balls can help too. Applying sustained pressure to areas of muscle tightness or adhesions, break them up and promote better muscle and fascia mobility. This is often referred to as Myofascial Release (which is also a technique used by Remedial Massage Therapists).

6. Yoga and Pilates:
Activities like yoga and pilates promote flexibility and strength, while encouraging mindfulness and body awareness. All super important when aiming to create a strong, adaptive and health body with minimal adhesions and tension. 

7. Maintain Good Posture and Move Frequently:
Practice good posture and move your body throughout the day, as much as possible. This will help prevent muscle imbalances and the likelihood of adhesions developing. 

8. Rest and Recovery:
Allow your muscles sufficient time to rest and recover between workouts. Overtraining can increase the risk of muscle adhesions and other injuries, so prioritise rest days and listen to your body's signals and sensations. 

Remember to trust the process and be kind to your body along the way. 
I hope this is helpful :)

Written by Tarren Hehir, Remedial Massage Therapist, Fitzroy (Melbourne)


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